Minify an Ionic 2 project with app-script

Hello everyone, in this tutorial I will show you in a very short way how you can minify an Ionic 2 project. Let’s start!

1. Create an empty project:

sudo ionic start MyMinifyProject blank --v2

2. Go to the package.json and we have to add this line:

"scripts": {
  "ionic:minify": "ionic-app-scripts minify"

That line will able you to execute the script to miinify your project. You can go to this link to see more about it and take a look to all the script that are able:

And this link to see the options that you can use in each script:

3. We are done! just go to the terminal and run:

sudo npm run ionic:minify

You will have the “www” folder with the css and js minify ready to be served for any service :D